Pregnancy and Planning

Most women would agree that pregnancy is an exciting time. On the other hand, most women would also agree that pregnancy comes with angst and questions, especially among women with bleeding disorders. It’s important to know that pregnancy and planning go hand in hand even before conception. Working with your HTC, an OB/GYN who specializes in high risk pregnancy and a genetic counselor can help you better understand the potential risks associated with a bleeding disorder and ease any worries you may be feeling in the process. Most importantly, easing your worries will allow you to focus on the bundle of joy entering the world.
Interested in learning more? Read “Planning for Pregnancy to Minimize Risks of Bleeding Disorders” by Dr. Andra H. James, MD.
Have more questions? Visit the Step Out section of Steps for Living
Attending Annual Meeting? Be sure to attend the Reproductive Health and Bleeding Disorders session on Friday August 25, 2017 at 1:15 PM and the Family Planning with a Bleeding Disorder session on Saturday August 26, 2017 at 11:15 AM.
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