5 Ways To Prep for the First Period Talk

Here are a few tips for having the ‘first period talk’ that's conversational, informative and helpful for you and that special lady in your life.
1. The Talk isn’t ‘A Talk’
- So first off, the talk isn’t one talk. It’s important to have ongoing conversations with her on puberty and bodily changes. Having multiple discussions can help create an open dialogue.
2.Give her the Dets, Please!
- Some points to cover in the first talk can be; what is menstruation and what does that mean for her body, different product options, and how to deal with cramps, mood changes and tiredness.
3. Be Honest.
- We’ve all been there at some point or know someone who has. Try and answer her questions honestly. It could help her feel more comfortable to speak up. It’s true many girls can feel shy or embarrassed about discussing their periods with adults. Encouraging a private conversation with her gynecologist or primary care physician can be helpful too.
4. Need Help???
- Doctors, social workers, and nurses at your HTC can help facilitate the conversation and give you advice on how to have the conversation at home.
5. Let her know “It’s going to be okay!”
Throughout the conversations, assure her “It’s going to be okay.” It’s important she understand what’s normal and out of the ordinary to experience during menstrual cycles as a girl with bleeding disorder. If issues do arise, talk to the hematologist about treatment options. Sending messages of support and comfort will go a long way!
Having 'the talk' is a moment every girl experiences. Creating a safe space for you and the young lady in your life will hopefully allow you both to feel ready and empowered for this next stage of her life.
Have tips? Share them below in the comments section.
These tips have been adapted from the Hemaware article “Preparing Your Daughter for Her First Period” by Leslie Quander Wooldridge. Information given by Lisa Perriera, MD, MPH, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at University Hospitals in Cleveland. Read the full article here: https://hemaware.org/story/preparing-your-daughter-her-first-period
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