Your Voice Matters: Participate in the WGPPM Summit’s Open Comment Period!

Earlier this year, I shared a bit about our WGPPM Summit, hosted in May. We’re now excited to share with you the white paper that came from this important summit and invite you to share your feedback and experiences as a women, girl, or person with the potential to menstruate with a bleeding disorder.
This two-day summit had a variety of stakeholders at the table, but unfortunately, we couldn’t fit all the valuable voices in this community in the room. This is why it is so important to collect as many stories and experiences from this community as we can, to better inform our initiatives coming out of the summit.
You can read the white paper and its accompanying PDF resources here. The deadline to send your feedback is the end of January 2024.
The form to collect your feedback can also be found on that page, but I’m including it here as well.
We’re looking forward to reviewing your comments, suggestions, and insight. Thank you for taking the time to ensure your voice is included in this important initiative!
Happy Holidays!
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