Join CVR and Let Your Voice Be Heard

Make an impact, share your story! Join Community Voices in Research to make a difference for women's bleeding disorder research. CVR is a community-powered registry that collects information through surveys. This information helps researchers understand what it means to live with a bleeding disorder.
For example, 46% of women in CVR received a diagnosis more than 10 years after their first symptoms. This is significantly different compared to the 54% of men in CVR who received a diagnosis at the same age of first symptoms. This information comes directly from women participating in CVR. With this data we can work with researchers and providers to highlight the disparities that exist for women in the bleeding disorders community.
CVR is a community tool, offering a personalized data dashboard to see how your responses compare across the community, access to community resources, the ability to discover research opportunities, and much more!
Joining CVR is a simple way to contribute to research and make a positive impact on the lives of current and future generations. Visit to learn more and make your voice heard!
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