New Beginnings

Hello V4W users! We know it has been a while since you have heard from us and we would like to provide you all an update.
Our previous moderator “V4W Chelsea” is no longer with NHF. We appreciate all the amazing content she has delivered to this platform over the years and wish her the best!
With that said, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Dejah Smith, and I am an education assistant for NHF. I have previously delivered content on the site under the profile “V4W Moderator” and will post helpful articles and discussions to get us started in the New Year. I hope to see you all interacting and engaging on the site. Feel free to leave comments about any future topics you would like to see addressed and posted on this platform in 2021. What new beginnings are you looking forward to this February 2021?
Until next time! -Dejah
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